Sunday, April 18, 2010

reality check

Sometimes you appreciate things more if someone else reminds you that you have them. It was a beautiful day on Friday, and a friend came to my office to have lunch. We browsed the menus and went to main campus, where we had oysters, truffled mac and cheese, salad, dessert, and smoothies while basking in the sun. She exclaimed with charming enthusiasm over every detail, especially the fact that there was roasted broccoli in the salad bar, which for some reason made the biggest impression on her. It reminded me that even if things get tough sometimes, there is still someone doing simple things, like roasting broccoli, that make the day better.


  1. does your offer to switch places still stand? truffled mac and cheese sounds amazing.

    p.s. love the new blog!

  2. @sw: I have a truffled mac and cheese recipe I've been meaning to write up. Will post a copy once I do. Not quite as easy as having someone else make it for you, though...
